Let's backtrack on that: the law in question is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA. It was passed 20-odd years ago, and created a special secret court called the FISA court, which has the authority to issue warrants for various kinds of eavesdropping without any input from or notice to the other side. It also has the authority to grant such warrants after the fact, within 48 hours after the eavesdropping or search occurred. Not surprisingly, the FISA court has granted warrants almost every time the government requested them. Most of Congress thinks this should be enough of a restraint on arbitrary use of presidential power. I find this hard to swallow. My gut says the FISA court is part of the problem, not part of the solution. It has refused warrants in less than .01% of cases where the government requested them. But this lapdog court apparently is still not tame enough for Bush.
And, finally, somebody in Congress has used the I-word. California's Barbara Boxer is publicly using the word "impeachment." It's bloody well about time.
Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"? What kind of tree do you put in your living room -- a "holiday tree"?
Apparently the American Family Association has run out of genuine grievances, and is now trying to bully seasonal store clerks into greeting customers with "Merry Christmas" rather than "Happy Holidays." As if the clerks don't have enough problems trying to keep customers happy and afford their own holiday festivities on what the stores pay them! But Donald Wildmon is demanding that we put the Christ back in Wal-Mart. He not only accepts the commercialization of Christmas, he demands the Christianization of commerce. Not, of course, the stuff St. Paul says about how "the laborer is worthy of his hire," or "thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads the grain," nor the nasty things Deuteronomy and Isaiah and Jeremiah have to say about people who oppress laborers. No, just "Merry Christmas and shop till you drop."
Okay, let's talk about "political correctness." Whatever that means. Apparently it means that the privileged majority is entitled to assert its privileges in public regardless of who else feels excluded or offended as a result. They whine about a "war on Christmas" whenever people who are not evangelical Christians have the audacity to claim that they too are entitled to have a good time around the winter solstice. Please, guys. This isn't war. It isn't politics. To the extent that "P.C." is an issue, it means Plain Courtesy. Can't the clergy move over and listen to Ms. Manners?
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