Sunday, March 11, 2007


"Scooter" Libby has been found guilty of lying to government agents about who leaked the name of a CIA covert agent. Which, while still kind of picayune, is certainly more significant than whether Bill Clinton lied in a deposition about not having had sex with "that woman."

It took me until this week to figure out why anyone would have bothered leaking that information in the first place. Partly that was because I was distracted by NPR coverage of the story which involved Lewis Libby's trial developments being narrated by a reporter named Libby Lewis. But mostly it was because I couldn't figure out why it mattered to the Bush administration or any of its more sinister functionaries that Joseph Wilson's trip to Niger to double-check Bush's yellow-cake story was arranged by the CIA, (through the machinations of Wilson's wife, the covert agent in question,) rather than by, say, Travelocity. Wouldn't that make his ultimate conclusion (that there was no yellow-cake purchased by the Iraquis) more credible? I kept asking. One of the print stories finally clued me in--the administration considers the CIA "soft" on terrorism!

But isn't the CIA part of the administration? Apparently not. Their problem seems to be an undue devotion to facts rather than ideology. They may be unscrupulous about how they get their facts, but not about reporting them accurately to a government which then mostly ignores them. The CIA's motto is "The truth shall make you free." The motto of this administration seems to be "the right lies shall make the Republicans a perpetual majority party."

Our cat likes to sleep in the bathroom sink. Most of our various cats over the years have liked it too. It's just the right size and shape for a cat to curl up in. And the only way to dislodge them when we have other uses for the sink is to turn on the water. Our cat walks around with a perpetually dripping tail. Any bright ideas, gentle reader?



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