Sunday, March 11, 2007

ODD LOTS new series #1a

Robert Heinlein, Abraham Lincoln, Henry David Thoreau, Les Paul, Jack Johnson (the boxer) and Hedy Lamarr

(what do all of these people have in common?)


Blogger Jon said...

Well, the best I can find is that all but Robert Heinlein have patents to their names.

Mr H became famous in the patent world for including waterbeds in his books and thereby becoming the source for denying the primary patent application from Charles Hall for what we'd consider the modern waterbed in 1968. Heinlein's prose included it in novels in 1942, 1956 and 1961. I'm thinking Mr Hall was not a big science fiction fan after that.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

Ok, so I forgot about Thoreau. Best I can figure there is he wrote that each person should "invent and get a patent for himself", so minimally he'd have a universal patent on Henry David Thoreau. Not quite the same as Lincoln's boat lifter, the electric guitar, Hedy Lamarr's electronic jamming and JJ's wrench, but, patently interesting....

6:51 PM  
Blogger WiredSisters said...

Thoreau ran his family's pencil factory for a while, and got a patent on something related to pencil manufacture.

7:29 PM  

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